Photographing Kayla and Tyler was like spending the afternoon with a couple of old friends, and let me tell you– that’s always a great feeling. Magic unfolds when you reach a level of trust and comfort with your clients and these two made it so easy.
We shot the first part of their session on a piece of property I had driven by probably a hundred times but never had access to beyond the wright iron front gates. If you live in Jacksonville or Richlands, you may recognize this spot! It’s private property so be sure to get permission first!
We finished their session on farmland a little further out. I love how peaceful and serene their entire session was– a fitting theme for a couple who seems to balance each other out just perfectly. I can’t wait for the wedding, y’all!
Go behind the scenes of recent shoots,
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Anxious about your upcoming portrait session? Don’t worry-- I can coach you through it! And to ease nerves in the meantime, I’ve compiled tips to help you prep and ensure your session is stress-free!
the guide